Rediscovering A woman's worth, God's Way
Rediscovering a woman's worth, God's
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Proverbs 31:10 NIV " She's far more worthy than rubies" |
Hay-Low my lovelies...
Been a full minute since I've fallen off the map, due to my so busy schedule. By the way, I hope you've been dealing okay all this while. Sorry for really pulling a sudden act of silence for that long.
I just feel the need to stress that you're full of great worth, and your worth is in God. You're his workmanship. He says in Proverbs you're far worth more than rubies. That alone should be reason enough not to judge yourself as anything less than others. Your worth doesn't come from material things (Money/clothes), Your beauty, or even being in a relationship with the man of your dreams. All these things you see with your eyes are good to have but do not measure yourself by either of them. They are only subject to time and are bound to perish. I realized in today's generation most women don't realize just how valuable they are. Why do people's negative opinions of you tend to be such a major sore spot for you? They can only label you if you don't know who you are. Yet there's hope for us all. God is for you and with you. His approval is preeminent. So Find Christ, Find your identity & rediscover your worth.
It was just a week ago I was led to do a blog on the worth of a woman; I'm happy to announce that in today's blog, I've featured a few of my sisters to do a mini compilation of what a woman's worth is to them & why is it so important to know our worth in this age and time. And I hope you'll learn something from them.

Senzekile Qoma
The word "worth", what are we trying to be worthy of?
It's defined as the Value at which someone/something deserves to be valued... Now, this is a worldly standard of what worth is. There is a clear implication that there is some sort of work/effort one has to put in order to be valued, and if that effort is insufficient, one would find themselves falling below the scale of "worthiness". We allow certain scales to rate us. As people who are in Christ, we have to remember that we are kingdom citizens in a corrupted world. The worth of sons (both male & female) of God is determined by their creator during creation. Our worth is guaranteed from day one. No matter where we are or what we do, we are still worthy. We are not on a quest to try & prove our worth, it is something we have already. knowing your worth saves you the frustration of trying to prove it to a world that already has a skewed view of what worth is in the first place.
"This is not an issue of a woman's worth or man's worth, but the worth of a child of God.
Lindiwe Mlandu Mwenze!
Tshepang kekana
We live in a society that defines those who are unable to define themselves. A society that sets standards for those who do not set standards for themselves. The word says that in Him we live, move, and have our being. We are evaluated and defined by the word of God. Yet the volume of the message is Christ Himself. Our worth is in Christ. What He says we are, so are we.
A woman's worth is how she values and carries herself. She values herself by knowing who she is in Christ, by believing what the word of God says about her, that she was created in the image of God; that she is no longer a slave but an heir to the throne.
A woman needs to know her worth because she will be able to act, react & as well as stand up for herself in trying situations.
Dimpho Mathibe
At first, when I was asked to write about the worth of a woman, I was very excited. When it came time to write something, I found myself struggling to find the right words. I think that although the conversation about women's worth is an important one when we do this, we are taking a top-down approach. The issue of a woman's worth is a societal issue. The devaluing of women is not a women's problem but a societal problem. In Genesis 1:27 (God created human beings in his likeness). So before we are women, we are human beings that resemble God. That is where our worth comes from. Worth is defined as the level at which someone/something deserves to be valued. Before we want to value women for being women, we need to value them first and foremost for the fact that they are human, and they are made in the image of God. That is the worth of a woman.
Zinhle Vilakazi
For me, a woman's worth is knowing who you are and being comfortable with that. Most importantly it's looking at yourself the way God sees you. If we understand and see ourselves as God sees us, then we can start understanding our worth. Ask yourself why would God waste his time to put you on earth if you're not worthy enough? Understand the creator sees you as worthy and values you. There is nothing anyone says or does that can take away your worth because it will always be there. That should make you sleep at night, knowing your worth is in Christ. Knowing who you are in God should be your starting point.
Pontsho Chilwane
As you read this, I pray the holy spirit gently whispers words of life in your heart. I pray He reveals Himself to you just as He desires & enlightens your heart to know Him intimately & the priceless treasure He placed within you.
A woman's worth is truly inspired by her understanding of the heart of her Maker towards her & allowing His unchanging opinion of her to define her. She needs to establish her heart in the reality of His deep love for her & thoroughly know that His love towards her is based not on what she does, or what she acquires on this earth, no. Papa God's love towards her is rooted in who she is to Him & how much she means to Him.
He placed value in us as he formed us in our mother's wombs. He placed value in us when He announced that we are made in His very image & Likeness (Genesis 1:27). Can you imagine how much of proud father He is to declare that? It is so important lady to be established in this truth, especially in a world that tries to define you differently from His truth.
You belong to Him & He is overwhelmingly persuaded of this truth, I pray you to come to the knowledge of this & never let this world rob you of enjoying the true reality of your worth in Christ. You are worth it lady.
Now I couldn't agree any less with any of these women. I hope at least one of them left an indelible mark on your life. I would be happy to hear from you actually. Do drop your comments below. Also, don't hesitate to ask any questions. be blessed and God loves you. We are praying for you!!!
Enjoy this song below too. It's asking you if you know Him (referring to God). Remember the secret is in the identity, it's in knowing who He is & who's the image you're made in, that you can understand your worth as a Child of God and as a woman.